
Art Museum of Estonia Foundation

The foundation resolution of the Art Museum of Estonia Foundation (registry code 90013414) was signed on 9 June 2016; its articles of association were also approved on 9 June 2016. The foundation’s economic year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

Chief Executive Officer of the foundation: Sirje Helme

The supervisory board consists of: Tarvi Sits (Chairman of the Board), Paavo Nõgene, Enn Kunila, Liina Linsi, Vano Allsalu

Contact information of the Art Museum of Estonia Foundation:
Registry code: 90013414
Address: A. Weizenbergi 34 / Valge 1, 10127 Tallinn
E-mail address: 
Bank account no.: Ministry of Finance
Reference number 3500081872
Transaction partner code: TP011330
VAT registration no.: EE101896100