Visitor programme for Reality and Technodelics 22/05/2020 – 13/09/2020
Entertainment Tour -
Big Painting Saturday 30/05/2020 | 12:00
Public programme -
Fantasy 17/02/2021 – 31/12/2030
Entertainment Tour -
Kumu anniversary 15/02/2020 | 10:00
Exhibition tour -
Kumu anniversary 15/02/2020 | 10:00
Exhibition tour -
Crazy about Dymphna 21/05/2021 – 28/11/2021
Exhibition -
Do Come in, the Door Is Open! 28/06/2020 | 15:00
Entertainment Tour -
Ceramics workshop 16/02/2020 – 01/01/2026
Pre-ordered workshop -
Textile printing 16/02/2020 – 01/01/2026
Pre-ordered workshop
Visitor programme for Reality and Technodelics 22/05/2020 – 13/09/2020
Entertainment Tour -
Big Painting Saturday 30/05/2020 | 12:00
Public programme -
Fantasy 17/02/2021 – 31/12/2030
Entertainment Tour -
Kumu anniversary 15/02/2020 | 10:00
Exhibition tour -
Kumu anniversary 15/02/2020 | 10:00
Exhibition tour -
Crazy about Dymphna 21/05/2021 – 28/11/2021
Exhibition -
Do Come in, the Door Is Open! 28/06/2020 | 15:00
Entertainment Tour -
Ceramics workshop 16/02/2020 – 01/01/2026
Pre-ordered workshop -
Textile printing 16/02/2020 – 01/01/2026
Pre-ordered workshop