
Ado Vabbe. Wunderbar 18/06/2022 – 16/10/2022

Tartu Art Museum
Pildi allkiri: Ado Vabbe. Portree kahe figuuriga. Detail. Dateerimata. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskus

Ado Vabbe. Wunderbar

After being displayed in the Kumu Art Museum in 2020, the exhibition now travels to the Tartu Art Museum. It offers a panorama of the different stages of Ado Vabbe’s (1892–1961) career: his early abstract works with their playful Indian ink drawings, colourful commedia dell’arte characters, sun-filled memories of the artist’s journeys in southern Europe, his nuanced studies of everyday scenes, and women as a source of dreams and desire. The exhibition is accompanied by a detailed and richly illustrated monograph on Ado Vabbe, the last research project of the late art historian Tiiu Talvistu.

Curators: Tiiu Talvistu and Mary-Ann Talvistu
Exhibition design: Tiit Jürna
Graphic design: Tuuli Aule
Coordinator: Magdaleena Maasik