
Ceramics: Abundant Platter 24/10/2024 | 17:00

Kumu Art Museum
Art course or workshop

Ceramics: Abundant Platter

The two-part ceramics course will result in a clay pot or plate inspired by the works of the French ceramicist and alchemist Bernard Palissy.

On Thursdays 24.10 ja 31.10 kell 17.00-19.00 
Instructor: Jarõna Ilo

From the mid-16th century onwards, his rustiques figurines, i.e. rustic-style ceramics, decorated with three-dimensional plant and animal forms, began to gain attention. Palissy’s favourite form was the oval platter, which often resembled a small pond with a variety of motifs of living nature at its edge.

The course will result in a vessel with historical flavour and fascinating high reliefs.