
Sold out! Composition with Autumn Flowers (in Estonian) 10/10/2024 | 16:00

Kumu Art Museum
Malle Leis. Sügisene. Triptühhon. 1975. Eesti Kunstimuuseum
Art course or workshop

Sold out! Composition with Autumn Flowers (in Estonian)

The two-part course is suitable for beginners who want to take their first steps in still life painting, as well as for advanced amateur painters.

Neljapäeviti 10.10 ja 17.10 kell 16.00-18.30
The instructor is the artist and painting restorer Malle-Reet Heidelberg.
The course will be conducted in Estonian.

The participants can look for inspiration in the still lifes of Kumu exhibitions. The works will be produced with oil paints based on a composition set up in the studio. At the beginning of the course, the instructor will provide a short introduction to oil painting. All of the necessary supplies will be provided.