
Concert Garden of Souls. Ensemble Una Corda 26/11/2023 | 18:00

Niguliste Museum
Adult: Niguliste Museum
  • Family: Niguliste Museum
  • Discount: Niguliste Museum
  • Adult ticket with donation: Art Museum of Estonia
Foto: Kaupo Kikkas

Concert Garden of Souls. Ensemble Una Corda

Ensemble Una Corda (one string in Italian) is a unique trio comprising of three string
instruments: harp, harpsichord and Estonian traditional instrument kannel. Musicians Liis Jürgens (harp), Ene Nael (harpsichord) and Kristi Mühing (kannel) established the ensembel on 2009 and have played together music from different eras – from baroque and medieval music to contemporary pieces flavured with Estonian traditional tunes and pop-music.

Music by:

Krigul, Jürgens, Soo/Jürgens, Jõeleht, Vihmand, Eespere and free improvisation

In Estonian tradition November is a month of spiritual thoughts – time to remember times gone by and people who are not with us. The Concert „Garden of Souls“ builds bridge between early music from 1500´s and pieces created by contemporary Estonian composers. Free improvisation has essential part at every Una Corda´s perfomance.

Singer and viola player Kristjan Kannukene joining Una Corda as a guest is a promising young
musician who´s repertoire comprises both classical and pop music as well as improvisation. The concert place in Antonius Chapel at Niguliste Church isa n excellent place to support the spiritual idea of the concert.

Concert is  is supported by Cutural Endowment of Estonia.