
CANCELLED! Egyptian Blue 18/03/2021 | 17:00

Kumu Art Museum
Participation fee
Egiptuse keraamiline pisiplastika. 1550–330 eKr. © Museo Egizio
Art course or workshop

CANCELLED! Egyptian Blue

During the workshop, participants will learn to make Egyptian paste, which is then used for small sculptures, jewellery or amulets.
Instructor: Jarõna Ilo

In this ceramics workshop, Egyptian paste or quartz paste is used instead of clay. It is an interesting material that doesn’t require glazing before firing since quartz will glaze “itself” in the oven. That is why quartz ceramics are reminiscent of both glass and regular ceramics: the composition of the paste is similar to that of glass but its technique of shaping can be compared to clay. This results in items that have a beautiful glossy turquoise surface.

In Ancient Egypt, the composition of quartz paste was constantly improved with the aim of mimicking the precious stone turquoise. The colour blue had a special meaning for Egyptians: it symbolised the sky, the universe and the river Nile and its water. That is why the colour was associated with the divine power of creation and rebirth.

The workshop is part of the public programme of the exhibition Egypt of Glory: Art from the Nile Valley

The course will be held in Estonian, but English translation is possible.

On the days of the course, the participants can visit the exhibitions free of charge.