
Fine5 Dance Theater: White Elk 15/07/2021 | 18:00

Kumu Art Museum

Fine5 Dance Theater: White Elk

Location: Kumu courtyard

Site-specific performance for beholder

White elk ehk valge põder on müstiline albiino isend, kes elab Põhjamaa metsades, ent keda võib kohata haruharva. Fine5 Tantsuteatri lavastuses tähistab valge põder metafoorse sümbolina urbaniseerunud inimese ja tema sisemise looduse/looma konfliktset territooriumi, mis avaldub üheaegselt humanistliku ja animistliku poole segaduses, põgenemiskatsetes ning tasakaalu otsingutes. Lavastus ja selle live-elektrooniline helimaastik on spetsiaalselt loodud Kumu kunstimuuseumi sisehoovi keskkonda. Kui tantsijate tegevus on silmaga jälgitav, siis helimaastik on kuuldav vaid kõrvaklappides läbi SilentDisco helisüsteemi (kõrvaklapid saadaval kohapeal). Kumu sisehoovis toimuv tegevus on tõlgendatav vaataja meelte ja südamega, viidates inimese ning looduskeskkonna habrastele suhetele tänapäeval.

White elk is a mystical albino specimen that lives in the forests of the Nordic countries, but is rarely found. In the Fine5 Dance Theater production, the white elk, as a metaphorical symbol, signifies a conflicting plateau of an urbanized person and his inner nature / animal, which manifests itself in the confusion of the humanistic and animistic side, in escape attempts and in search of balance. The production and its live-electronic soundscape have been specially created for the courtyard of the Kumu Art Museum. If the dancers’ activities are visible, the soundscape can only be heard in the headphones through the SilentDisco sound system (headphones available on site). The activities taking place in the courtyard of Kumu can be interpreted with the minds and hearts of the viewer, referring to the fragile relationship between man and the natural environment today.

Director: Renee Nõmmik
Choreographers and dancers: Tiina Ollesk, Olga Privis, Anita Kurõljova, Simo Kruusement, Richard Beljohin
Artist:Kalle Aasamäe

Sound artists:
The soundscape is created in collaboration with Belgian-Spanish electronic music sound artist Erich Weiss, German-Estonian sound artists Hans Gunter Lock and Gerhard Lock through interactive sounds and live electronic solutions from the KUMU environment on site.

Cooperation partner:
Kumu Art Museum

Supported by:
Kultuurkapital, Estonian Ministry of Culture

Duration of performance: 60 min

NB! As the performance takes place outside, we recommend choosing your clothing in accordance with the weather.
In the case of rain the starting time of the performance can be delayed.
In the case of a period of heavy rains the performance dates can change.


Renee Nõmmik is a choreographer of Fine5 Dance Theater and a lecturer in choreography at Tallinn University BFM, who is interested in creating a dialogue between space and the body. Tiina Ollesk, Simo Kruusement, Olga Privis are long-time dancers of Fine5 Dance Theater who research movement texts as communication in choreography. Tiina is as-well lecturer of contemporary dance art at Tallinn University BFM. Richard Beljohin and Anita Kurõljova are a new generation of dancers who test the boundaries between theatrical form and laconic physicality.

Gerhard Lock is a musicologist and composer interested in voltage design, sound space and technology, and the interdisciplinarity of different media. He is a lecturer in musicology and multimedia at Tallinn University BFM. Hans Gunter Lock is an electronic music composer and musicologist interested in the synthesis of experimental arts and microtonal sound systems. He is a lecturer at the Electronic Music Studio of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater and the director of the New Media Studio at EAA. Designer Kalle Aasamäe has created collections of authors both in Estonia and abroad, participated in theater and film projects and teaches fashion at the Estonian Academy of Arts.

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