
Guided tour on exhibition „The Forest Behind the Trees“ 24/03/2023 – 27/08/2023

Adamson-Eric Museum
Group price from

in Estonian 45 € + tickets
in foreign language55 € + tickets

Leili Muuga. Green Movement. 1988‒2012. Art Museum of Estonia
Guided tour

Guided tour on exhibition „The Forest Behind the Trees“

You can order an Estonian-, Russian- or English-language guided tour of The Forest Behind the Trees exhibition. An art expert will conduct a tour of the exhibition and describe the ideas behind it.

The guide will also introduce the artists and explain the context in which the works were completed, thereby providing inspiration and food for thought on the topics of art and environmental protection.

Many visitors have ordered exhibition tours to celebrate birthdays or other anniversaries with their friends, and then continue on to celebrate at a restaurant in the Old Town. If you wish to offer your guests a glass of sparkling wine or snacks after the tour, please ask for a separate proposal form.

Duration: 45‒75 minutes (based on the customer’s wishes)
Group size: up to 20 people
Price: in Estonian 45 € / in a foreign language 55 €
Note that tour prices do not include the museum entrance fee.

Place your order by sending an email to:

Guided tours. Payment terms and letter of guarantee