
Keithy Kuuspu. False falling 19/08/2023 – 27/08/2023

Kumu Art Museum

Full price €15

The €12 discount ticket is valid for: pupils aged 9-18; students and teachers (ISIC, ITIC); seniors; members of the Estonian Artists’ Association, the Estonian Society of Art Historians and Curators and the Estonian Theatre Union; holders of the European Youth Card and veterans of the Republic of Estonia.

Foto: Alana Proosa
Theme event

Keithy Kuuspu. False falling

Keithy Kuuspu’s performance “False falling” in Kumu’s courtyard. The event is part of Kumu’s exhibition “Through the Black Gorge of Your Eyes” and takes place in cooperation with the Independent Dance Stage (Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava).

“False falling” is a performance that stretches time. Through daring and listening, it looks at the similarities and gaps between mental and physical endurance, embraces failure and wonders in its possible/multiple definitions.

The metal frame feels cold under my palm. My right hand touches the lower pole and I press it to find the right grip. The left follows, just one level higher. I blink my eyes open, but somehow I fail at / If the clouds moved, the beam of light would blind me. I touch my nose instead. I can no longer balance on the edge of this structure, weak as a thought only living in / The task was to climb up and look them in the eyes. From here, everything seems small but big simultaneously. I taste the grey dust moving in the air – I don’t even know what it is – what is it? / I was thinking about this exercise. Am I doing it right? Am I saying what I am thinking or am I thinking only because I need to speak my / The extremely loud sound has made my head silent. There is nothing to hear here. I’m here, all done. I guess it’s over. Game / The metal frame feels cold under my palm

Surrounded by a landscape of fragile plaster and stiff metal structures, five delicate bodies perform cycles of gestures on the border between functionality and uselessness. By placing/fitting themselves inside these constructions, which at times suggest an absurd gym, or perhaps an oversized playground, the performers constantly search for the ephemeral moment that precedes exhaustion and success, and test the (im)possibility of reaching the ultimate goal. A game of building and failing expectations, a play between tangible and invisible realities.
Premiere: 15 June 2021 at the Green Hall, Telliskivi Creative City


Surrounded by a landscape of fragile plaster and stiff metal structures, five delicate bodies perform cycles of gestures on the border between functionality and uselessness. By placing/fitting themselves inside these constructions, which at times suggest an absurd gym, or perhaps an oversized playground, the performers constantly search for the ephemeral moment that precedes exhaustion and success, and test the (im)possibility of reaching the ultimate goal. A game of building and failing expectations, a play between tangible and invisible realities.

Duration: 2.5h

On-site tickets 18 euros!


Keithy Kuuspu (1994) is a performance and dance artist from Tallinn, Estonia. In her practice, she questions the definition and the boundaries of reality by looking at (primitive) human behaviours, mundane structures and at the influences that society has on individuals. She is particularly interested in what precedes and follows the creative processes and how this process shapes the self. The search for connections between the material and the body and their manipulation has also an important place in her work.


Her most recent works as a director include the Estonian Pavilion titled “Home Stage” at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2023 (with Liisa Saaremäel), “False Falling” (at Independent Dance Stage), and “Body Slam” (at ARS Project Space with Liisa Saaremäel). Recently she performed in the production titled “72 days” by Tiit Ojasoo & Ene-Liis Semper, in Jarkko Partanen’s and Anni Klein’s “Fluids” performance (WAUHAUS, STL), and in Laura Cemin’s & Bianca Hisse’s production “How the Land Lies”. In 2022, she was nominated for the Estonian Theatre Awards in the category of dance production. She received Cristal Shoe Award, which is given to two young performing artists for their first significant stage works.


Choreographer: Keithy Kuuspu
Performers: Liisa Saaremäel, Martina Georgina, Agnes Ihoma, Anumai Raska and Arolin Raudva
Dramaturg: Laura Cemin
Stage design and technical production: Tõnu Narro, Tarvo Porroson
Sound designer: Mihkel Maripuu
Lighting designer: Mikk-Mait Kivi
Costumes: Kaisa Põvvat
Production: Independent Dance Stage (Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava)
Supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, and the Telliskivi Creative City
Thanks to: Sportland, Composite Eesti OÜ, Kris Lemsalu, Madlen Hirtentreu, Anne Türnpu