
Choral music in the Niguliste Museum. Female Choir Carmina 20/04/2024 | 17:00

Niguliste Museum
Adult: Niguliste Museum
  • Family: Niguliste Museum
  • Discount: Niguliste Museum
  • Adult ticket with donation: Art Museum of Estonia
Foto: Kai Valdma

Choral music in the Niguliste Museum. Female Choir Carmina

Conductor: Margit Võsa
Organist: Hille Poroson

Programme: Antonio Vivaldi “Gloria”, Mari Amor, Aare Kruusimäe, Vic Nees

The female choir Carmina was established in the mid-winter of 1989 in Tallinn. Now in our 35th season the choir consists of 22 singers. Carmina was founded by the conductor Margit Võsa. Since its birth, our choir has sung in all the Estonian Song Festivals, as well as in the song festivals and grand projects organised by the Estonian Female Choir Association (ENLS).

Naiskoor Carmina