
Kumu Documentary – Anthropocene: The Human Epoch 25/03/2020 | 18:00

Kumu Art Museum

Kumu Documentary – Anthropocene: The Human Epoch

Location: Kumu Auditorium

Directed by Jennifer Baichwal, Edward Burtynsky and Nicholas de Pencier
Canada 2018, 87 min
In English, Russian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Italian and German, with Estonian subtitles

Introduction by environmental anthropologist Joonas Plaan.

Twenty countries, 47 locations and six continents. The third part of a trilogy that includes “Manufactured Landscapes” (2006) and “Watermark” (2013).
From concrete seawalls in China that now cover 60 per cent of the mainland coast to the biggest terrestrial machines ever built in Germany; from psychedelic potash mines in Russia’s Ural Mountains to conservation sanctuaries in Kenya and surreal lithium evaporation ponds in Chile’s Atacama desert, the film-makers have traversed the globe to document the evidence and experience of human planetary domination.

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