
From the School of Arts and Crafts to the Academy of Arts. A Hundred Years of Art Education in Tallinn 05/11/2014 – 22/02/2015

Kumu Art Museum
Adult: Kumu Art Museum
  • Family: Kumu Art Museum
  • Discount: Kumu Art Museum
  • Adult ticket with donation: Art Museum of Estonia

From the School of Arts and Crafts to the Academy of Arts. A Hundred Years of Art Education in Tallinn

Location: 2nd floor, Great Hall

The exhibition is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Estonian Academy of Arts.

In the exhibition, the Estonian Academy of Arts is exhibiting its extensive collection of student projects for the first time, which is supplemented by works from Estonian museums and artists. The exhibition includes the student projects of artists ranging from Eduard Wiiralt to Tõnis Vint and Jaanus Samma, from Bruno Tomberg to Kärt Ojavee. Works by faculty members, starting with Nikolai Triik, are also on exhibit for comparison. How the art school has had to comply with political commissions is demonstrated by the design for Konstantin Päts’s coat of arms by Paul Luhtein and a photo of Ede Kurrel’s filigree five-pointed star, given to Stalin by the school in celebration of his 70th birthday. Works by students of different nationalities show how the art school has been a melting pot through the years. Architecture is presented through designs for family homes. Special attention is paid to the part played by the photo centre headed by Peeter Linnap in the radical renewal of Estonian art in the 1990s.

“The riches that have accumulated between the walls of the school over time are totally astounding. A much larger museum space must be planned for the new building, because our methodological collection is of really unique and inestimable value,” said the curator Mart Kalm.

The accompanying book, which is the result of research work by scholars from various generations, includes articles on the activities of the Estonian Art Society related to the founding of the school, the role of Director Voldemar Päts, the swallowing up of the Tartu Art Institute, the Student Scientific Association and the teaching of communist subjects at the ERKI, the revolt of the Linnapians, the challenges of the neo-liberal situation for the EKA, etc. The book includes pictorial sections with student projects from various eras and a list of the alumni.

Curator: Mart Kalm
Coordinator: Kati Ilves
Exhibition design: Mari Hunt, Aet Ader (b210)
Graphic design: Mikk Heinsoo, Kaarel Nõmmik, Martine Päi, Jaan Rõõmus

Collaboration partner:
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia

Eesti Tarbekunsti ja -Disainimuusuem, Eesti Arhitektuurimuuseum, Eesti Rahva Muuseum, Rahvusraamatukogu, Rahvusarhiiv, Eesti Vabaõhumuuseum, Tartu Kunstimuuseum

Eesti Kultuurkapital