
Organ Festival “Reval”: Italia Belissima! 03/10/2024 | 18:00

Niguliste Museum
Salvatore Pronesti. Revalfesti fotokogu

Organ Festival “Reval”: Italia Belissima!

Salvatore Pronesti, organ, Italy

In addition to works originally composed for organ, Salvatore Pronesti will play transcriptions of operas by Giuseppe Verdi, Pietro Mascagni, Giocomo Rossini and soundtracks from famous movies.

Salvatore Pronestì Festive Fanfare
Angelo Lamanna Cinesina
Hugo Lepnurm Choral Prelude My Obligation of Gratitude
Nino Ippolito Ligonziana | Marcia Sinfonica
Pietro Mascagni Intermezzo from opera Cavalleria rusticana
Giuseppe Verdi Famous aries from operas Traviata, Aida, Nabucco, Ernani
Salvatore Pronestì Bolero Romantico
Giocomo Rossini March from opera Moses and Pharaoh
Ennio Morricone Soundtracks from Nuovo Cinema Paradiso and The Mission
Salvatore Pronestì Toccata Fantastica

Salvatore Pronesti is highly appreciated for his improvisations in different styles, as well as in the unpublished transcriptions and elaborations for organ of symphonic marches of band tradition, opera pieces, soundtracks and popular themes.