
Sketching³ – 3 Sessions, 3 Techniques, 3 Models 18/11/2021 | 17:30

Kumu Art Museum
Participation fee

Course fee for one participant

Belliisi Seenemaa. Figuurivisandid. Autori loal
Bellisi Seenemaa. Figure Sketches. Courtesy of the author
Art course or workshop

Sketching³ – 3 Sessions, 3 Techniques, 3 Models

The course will be conducted in English
During the three-part course, the participants will learn figural drawing with three different techniques. The course begins with classical pencil drawing and moves on to sketching with watercolours, charcoal and pastels. Each technique has its own fascinating character that results in distinct drawings. The participants will gain new knowledge and learn new skills for composing both classical and abstract drawings. Fast-paced croquis is a great method for capturing the essence of a model and for finding the right rhythm. The course is ideal for both beginners and for people who have had earlier experience with art.

The instructor, Belliisi Seenemaa, is a freelance artist who studied in the Tartu Art School and in the Pallas University of Applied Sciences. In her works, Seenemaa has explored the essence of being human through drawing, painting, sculpture and contemporary technologies.
The course will take place on 18 and 25 November and 2 December from 17.30 to 19.30.

On the days of the course, the participants can visit the exhibitions free of charge.