
Special tour of the exhibition “España Blanca y Negra”, in Spanish 22/07/2024 | 17:30

Kadriorg Art Museum
Ignacio Zuloaga (1870–1945). The Compliment. Detail. 1902. Oil. Private collection, Barcelona
Exhibition tour

Special tour of the exhibition “España Blanca y Negra”, in Spanish

The exhibition “España Blanca y Negra. Visions of Spain from Fortuny to Picasso“ is dedicated to the depiction of Spain and includes romantic views of Spain, as well as masterpieces by the grand masters of Modernism. Buoyant and sunny, or dark and tragic, the “whiteness” and “blackness” of the quintessence of Spain are revealed through magnificent works of art. A special tour in Spanish will be guided by Jorge Hernández.

Una excursión para reivindicar el desconocido, cuando no denostado, siglo XIX en la historia del arte español. Un siglo a caballo entre el romanticismo y la revolución industrial, entre la Guerra de Independencia y la Generación del 98. Un recorrido a través del paisaje y la búsqueda de la identidad nacional que revolucionará el arte del siglo XX.