
POSTPONED! The ABCs of Painting 27/10/2020 | 17:30

Kumu Art Museum
Course fee

Course fee €104

„Maalimise ABC“ Kumu hariduskeskuses. Foto: Triinu Jürves
Art course or workshop

POSTPONED! The ABCs of Painting

The course will be held in Estonian, but English translation is possible.

A four-part painting course for beginners. Through practical tasks, the participants will get a basic overview of painting techniques, supplies and materials. You will also be taught the basics of composition and using colour to depict objects and express emotions.
The course will consist of four tasks: an exercise and abstract study on colour theory, a still life, a figural composition and a portrait. “The ABCs of Painting” is useful for all amateur painters who wish to gain the confidence and independence to create their own works of art.

Instructor: the artist and art educator Triinu Jürves

Course dates: on Tuesdays, 27 Oct, 3 Nov, 10 Nov, 17 Nov, and  24 Nov from 17.30 to 19.30

On the days of the course, the participants can visit the exhibitions free of charge.