
US Embassy presents: Telling the American Story: Literature in Cinema: The Hours 09/11/2021 | 18:00

Kumu Art Museum

US Embassy presents: Telling the American Story: Literature in Cinema: The Hours

Dir by Stephen Daldry
USA 2002, 110 min
In English, with English subtitles
Location: Kumu Auditorium

American author Michael Cunningham’s novel The Hours, the winner of the 1999 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, follows one day in the mental life of the British author Virginia Woolf and two American women whose lives are intertwined with hers by Mrs. Dalloway, one of Woolf’s best-known novels. Featuring Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore, and Meryl Streep, this film adaptation won the 2003 Golden Globe for Best Picture.

Entrance free of charge.
NB! Due to the spread of the virus, please note that we ask all visitors 12 years of age and older to present documents related to the COVID-19 virus with an ID  before entering the auditorium. Read more about the regulations.