
Villem Raam as a Photographer 02/06/2010 – 29/05/2011

Niguliste Museum
Adult: Niguliste Museum
  • Family: Niguliste Museum
  • Discount: Niguliste Museum
  • Adult ticket with donation: Art Museum of Estonia

Villem Raam as a Photographer

The exhibition, opened on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Villem Raam (1910–1996), introduces the side of the oeuvre of the outstanding art historian that has previously been in the background – his photography. Approximately 50 photos from the years 1936–1982, mostly on architectural themes, are being exhibited. The result is a unique photo chronicle of the history of architecture that casts light on the lifework of the master.

Simultaneously with the exhibition, a special issue of the Baltic Journal of Art History dedicated to Villem Raam has been published.