
Visitor programme for Reality and Technodelics 22/05/2020 – 13/09/2020

Kumu Art Museum
Group from 150 €

Children group from 150 €.
Adults group from 180 €

Ando Keskküla. Tehnodeelia ja tegelikkus
Ando Keskküla. Tehnodeelia ja tegelikkus
Entertainment Tour

Visitor programme for Reality and Technodelics

A fun group visit to the museum for friends, birthday guests or colleagues. The programme begins with a tour of the exhibition Ando Keskküla: Reality and Technodelics.

The artist’s solo exhibition covers his oeuvre from the late 1960s to the late 1990s. Together with the programme manager, the participants will examine Ando Keskküla’s interest in novel technologies, and references to these in his works. The display consists of Keskküla’s paintings, drawings, animations and (video) installations.

After the tour, the participants will create a mixed media work of art inspired by Ando Keskküla’s oeuvre in the Kumu studios. Workshops are suitable for everyone.