Kumu is the main building of the Art Museum of Estonia, as well as one of the largest and most monumental exhibition venues in the country. The museum provides a survey of the various time periods of Estonian art: from the Academic Style to Modernism, from Soviet Pop Art to contemporary art. The modern architecture of the building is an attraction in its own right.
Tickets sales end 30 minutes before closing.
The Kadriorg Art Museum is the only museum in Estonia dedicated to early European and Russian art. Interpreting the art of old masters is also the focus of its exhibitions and educational programmes. The museum is located in Kadriorg, in the Baroque palace built for the Russian tsar Peter the Great.
The Mikkel Museum in Kadriorg introduces private collections and the collecting of art in general. The bulk of the exhibition consists of the purchases of Johannes Mikkel; temporary exhibitions offer the visitor access to contemporary and historical private collections.
The Niguliste Museum, in the Old Town of Tallinn, is one of the few northern European museums located in a former church, where ecclesiastical art can be presented in its historical context. The museum houses the largest and most valuable ecclesiastical art collection in Estonia.
The permanent display at the Adamson-Eric Museum in Tallinn’s Old Town provides an overview of the oeuvre of one of the most versatile Estonian artists, Adamson-Eric (1902–1968). In addition, the museum organises two to three temporary exhibitions each year on various topics.
Kutsume viimastele programmidele ja tuuridele suurejoonelisel Hispaania kunsti näitusel! Näitus on avatud vaid kuni 25. augustini.
A special tour in Spanish will be guided by Jorge Hernández.
Guided tours in park and at the Spanish art exhibition, as well as a magnificent flamenco concert are dedicated to the 306th anniversary of Kadriorg.
Festivalil osalevad kohalikud Eesti ja Ladina-Ameerika päritolu loomeinimesed, kellega üheskoos Ladina-Ameerikat avastada.
Koori repertuaar hõlmab erinevaid ajastuid ja erinevaid muusikastiile, nii sakraalset kui ka ilmalikku muusikat.
The programme combines music by Bach and Estonian composers, plus colourful sound combinations by Astor Piazzolla.
The tour is lead by curators Aleksandra Murre & Carlos Alonso.
Once a month on a Saturday morning, the Kumu Art Museum adapts to the needs of people with sensory hypersensitivity and autism and to all other visitors who enjoy a quieter experience in the museum.