
Research Board of the Art Museum of Estonia

The Research Board develops, advises and coordinates the research work done in the Art Museum of Estonia. The Board is responsible for launching, planning and running research projects, as well as advising researchers.

The members of the board help coordinate collaboration between the Art Museum of Estonia and other museums, universities and research institutions. The Board also coordinates the work for the Proceedings of the Art Museum of Estonia. The Research Board meets at least four times a year upon the chairperson’s invitation.

Members of the Research Board

Merike Kurisoo, PhD (chair of the board)
Sirje Helme, PhD
Kadi Polli, PhD
Greta Koppel, PhD (editor-in-chief of the Proceedings of AME)
Aleksandra Murre
Karin Vicente
Kersti Kuldna-Türkson

Merike Kurisoo, PhD

Chair of the Research Board of the Art Museum of Estonia