
For The Reader

In order to use the services of the Art Museum of Estonia Library, one must register as a reader. Reader registration is free. Children under 16 may use the library on site.

Reader Registration

Registration requires a personal ID card, or other document with the person’s ID code and photo.

The following information must be provided when registering:

  • first and family name
  • personal ID code
  • home address
  • e-mail address
  • phone number
  • employer or school

The reader’s information is entered in the Tallinn database of INNOPAC, the integrated library system, which, in addition to the Art Museum of Estonia Library, is also used by the other libraries belonging to the Consortium of Estonian Libraries. The information provided by the reader is used to identify the reader, to provide library services, including sending reminders and regulations for overdue materials, and to conduct statistical analyses. The information in the database is deleted five years after the reader card expires.

Readers are obligated to immediately notify the library of changes in their information. The correctness of the information is checked once a year.

Lending Rules

  • Readers have the right to use the books located on the open shelves during the library’s opening hours.
  • Only three items may be borrowed at one time.
  • The following are not lent out: reference books, research papers, single copies of materials that are in demand, the only issues of periodicals, and materials published before 1945.
  • Generally, the materials can be borrowed for seven days, or longer by Art Museum of Estonia employees.
  • If the materials have not been reserved by another reader, the due date can be extended twice:

– by the reader through My ESTER
– by e-mail to 
– by phoning +371 602 6037
– in person, at the library

  • If you wish to borrow materials that are loaned out or included in the exhibition of new literature, you can register and be added to a waiting list. Readers will be informed by e-mail when the materials they have reserved are returned.
  • The materials will be held for the reader for three days.
  • Minu ESTER can be used by readers to manage their accounts (which books have been borrowed, what the due dates are, which books have been reserved, whether there are any late penalties, and for saving one’s borrowing history).
  • Readers are proprietarily liable for the materials in their possession. A late penalty of 7 euro cents per day for each item must be paid for overdue materials. New materials will not be lent out to those in arrears.
  • Readers must replace any damaged or lost materials with the same publications or make compensation in the amount determined by the library:
    – for damaged materials, the amount required for repair;
    – for lost materials, double the purchase price of the item.
  • Paying compensation for lost materials does not exempt the borrower from paying the late penalty that is assessed for exceeding the due date.