
Proceedings of the Art Museum of Estonia

Proceedings of the Art Museum of Estonia (ISSN 1736-5503)

The bilingual journal has an international editorial board and is published annually. Articles can be sent for publication in the journal in response to a call for papers by the Art Museum of Estonia. All submitted article proposals will be reviewed and approved or rejected by the editorial board.

Manuscripts based on article proposals will be peer reviewed by at least one independent reviewer. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial board electronically, together with a short professional CV of the author. If the author wishes to include illustrations, these should be submitted with proper captions together with the manuscript. If the author uses copyrighted materials, they must ensure that they have the necessary permission to use and publish these materials. The journal does not charge for the review and processing of manuscripts. The editorial board will do everything in its power to ensure that studies published in the journal are relevant and in compliance with the general objectives of the journal, as well as with good practices of science journalism. The board uses any means possible to detect plagiarism or manipulation of research results and quotations. The journal does not publish any manuscripts that do not conform to the rules of academic writing.

The publication of the journal is financed by the Art Museum of Estonia Foundation and is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

Art Museum of Estonia Foundation

Weizenbergi 34 / Valge 1 10127 Tallinn

Greta Koppel, PhD

Editor in Chief of the Proceedings of the Art Museum of Estonia