Ando Keskküla. Reality and Technodelics
Location: 2nd floor, Great Hall
From the earliest phases of Ando Keskküla’s (1950–2008) activity, two leading motifs can be observed, which seem to pursue him, thus forming the main poles of his art.
The first is the impact of the artificial environment and new technologies on our sense of reality, which, in the context of this exhibition, is called technodelia. The term, which is a creative combination of the concepts of technology and psychedelia, could in the context of Keskküla’s work define his exploration of how the technological tools for communication, seeing and perceiving alter both the ways of perceiving the world and the processes of subject formation. Already Keskküla’s thesis includes an idea that alludes to a radical media theory of the 1960s that technologies as “extensions” of people also change the subjects themselves.
However, the issues related to reality and realism, the relations between reality and image, and the manipulation of the illusion of reality are also closely intertwined with his work. This is the illusion that art both plays with and explores. While until the 1980s Keskküla primarily dealt with these issues through the art of painting, as well as animation, in the 1990s new interactive (video) technologies, which made it possible to involve viewers and to manipulate their senses in a new way, started to predominate.
The exhibition, which is divided into six subchapters, is both thematic and chronological, because the conceptual shifts in his work generally coincided with certain periods of his life, when he dedicated himself intensively to one issue or another.
Other artists:
Ignar Fjuk, Jüri Okas, Avo Paistik, Urmas Pedanik, Kaljo Põllu, Ludmilla Siim, Andres Tolts, Heinz Valk, Ülo Õun and others.
Exhibition curator: Anders Härm
Exhibition design: Anders Härm and Neeme Külm
Graphic design: Tuuli Aule
Exhibition coordinator: Tiiu Parbus
We wish to thank:
Estonian Film Institute, Estonian Artists Association, Estonian National Museum, Estonian Public Broadcasting, Sirje Helme, Aade Keskküla, Merle Keskküla, Ljuba Keskküla, Peet Lepik, Piret Luigend, Sven Pertens, Margus Punab, Veljo Sinivee, Elnara Taidre, Tallinnfilm, TalTech, Tartu Art Museum, Tehnolabor, Mare Vint and Eva-Maria Õunapuu