
Choral Music in Niguliste. Tallinn University Male Choir an young men´s choir kalev 16/05/2024 | 18:00

Niguliste Museum
Adult: Niguliste Museum
  • Family: Niguliste Museum
  • Discount: Niguliste Museum
  • Adult ticket with donation: Art Museum of Estonia

Choral Music in Niguliste. Tallinn University Male Choir an young men´s choir kalev

Tallinn University Male Choir and young men´s choir Kalev
Conductors: Indrek Vijard and Ka Bo Chan
Programme: Bruckner, Čopi , Vettik, Rannap, Uusberg
Tallinn University Male Choir is the fastest-developing male choir in the homeland – both in song and spirit. The choir considers itself a successor of the Male Choir of the Tallinn Pedagogical Institute, founded in 1955. A large part of the current singing group gathered in the autumn of 1999. Since the university changing its name in year 2005, also the choir now uses Tallinn University in its name. 2021 together with young men’s choir KALEV participated in VII Leevi Madetoja contest in Helsinki and receive honorable III price in international series.