
Nordic Saints. Concert by the Early Music Ensemble Rondellus 10/05/2023 | 18:00

Niguliste Museum
Adult: Niguliste Museum
  • Family: Niguliste Museum
  • Discount: Niguliste Museum
  • Adult ticket with donation: Art Museum of Estonia

Nordic Saints. Concert by the Early Music Ensemble Rondellus

A concert combined with a lecture dedicated to Nordic early music and Scandinavian saints is inspired by the exhibition Michel Sittow in the North?.
Lecture is in Estonian

The exhibition focuses two masterpieces of the Late Middle Ages: the Tallinn Passion Altarpiece and the Bollnäs Holy Kinship Altarpiece in Sweden. In art history, both altarpieces are associated with Michel Sittow (ca 1469–1525), an internationally renowned artist who was born in Tallinn.

The Bollnäs altarpiece depicts a number of Nordic saints such as St. Olaf and St. Erik. Short lectures on the saints will be followed by highlights from Scandinavian early music.

The concert will include medieval songs in honour of Scandinavian saints, Swedish chorales and songs from the collection Piae Cantiones. Merike Kurisoo, chief curator of the exhibition Michel Sittow in the North? Altarpieces in Dialogue and curator of the Niguliste Museum will talk about the artworks.

The Rondellus is a renowned early music ensemble.

Maria Staak – vocals, wheel lyre
Ester-Silva Erikson – vocals, portative organ
Johanna-Maria Jaama – fiddle
Anna-Liisa Eller – psaltery, recorders, percussion
Robert Staak – lute, percussion

Supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
