
About us

The Art Museum of Estonia, founded in 1919, has by today grown into several museums: Kumu Art Museum, Kadriorg Art Museum, Mikkel Museum, Niguliste Museum and Adamson-Eric Museum.

History of the museum

Historical ecclesiastical art from the Middle Ages up to the Baroque period is displayed in the Niguliste Museum, foreign art from the 16th to 20th century is displayed in the Kadriorg Art Museum, the art collection of Johannes Mikkel in the Mikkel Museum, the art of Adamson-Eric, a modernist Estonian artist of the 20th century, is displayed in the Adamson-Eric Museum, and Estonian art from the 18th century until today is housed in the Kumu Art Museum. The collection of the Art Museum of Estonia is constantly supplemented by earlier art, as well as by contemporary art.


Art Museum of Estonia Foundation

The foundation resolution of the Art Museum of Estonia Foundation (registry code 90013414) was signed on 9 June 2016; its articles of association were also approved on 9 June 2016. The foundation’s economic year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

Chief Executive Officer of the foundation: Sirje Helme

The supervisory board consists of:
Paavo Nõgene (chairman), Liina Linsi, Vano Allsalu, Merilin Piipuu and Reigo Kuivjõgi.

Contact information of the Art Museum of Estonia Foundation:
Registry code: 90013414
Address: A. Weizenbergi 34 / Valge 1, 10127 Tallinn
E-mail address: 
Bank account no.: Ministry of Finance, EE932200221023778606 (Swedbank)
Reference number: 3500081872
Transaction partner code: TP011330
VAT registration no.: EE101896100