17/08/2020 | 14:07
An anthology on the evangelical sacral art has been issued in Germany
Recently, Michael Imhof Verlag, the famous German publishing house, issued an anthology of the presentations made at the scientific conference called “Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region”, which took place in 2017 at the Niguliste Museum, a branch of the Art Museum of Estonia. The book of the same name, which was edited by Krista Kodres, Merike Kurisoo and Ulrike Nürnberg, is comprised of 14 scientific articles by renowned northern European art historians.
Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region”. Photo: Art Museum of Estonia -
20/01/2020 | 10:14
Research and exhibition project on two altarpieces attributed to Michel Sittow launched
Niguliste MuseumMichel (also Michiel, Michael, Miguel) Sittow? (1469? - 1525).