Sveiki atvykę į Estijos meno muziejų!
Talinas gražus, menas jame – dar gražesnis. Atrask Estijos meno pasaulį.
- Kumu meno muziejus. Estijos meno klasika, „Konfliktai ir prisitaikymas. Sovietmečio Estijos menas“
- Kadriorg meno muziejus. Vakarų Europos ir Rusijos menas
- Mikkel muziejus. Privačios kolekcijos perlai
- Adamson-Eric muziejus. Legendinio Estijos menininko Adamson Eric pasaulis
- Niguliste muziejus. …
Vasaros parodų programa 2023 (angliškai):
The Future is in One Hour: Estonian Art in the 1990s Permanent exhibition
Kumu Art MuseumPermanent exhibition -
Longing for Lost Space. Sirja-Liisa Eelma 05/09/2024 – 30/03/2025
Kumu Art MuseumProject room exhibitionMandorla II. 2024. Oil on canvas. Courtesy of the artist Project room exhibition -
Visible storage gallery for the sculpture collection Permanent exhibition
Kadriorg Art MuseumPermanent exhibitionUnknown artist. Apollo Belvedere. 19th c. Art Museum of Estonia Permanent exhibition -
Conflicts and Adaptations. Estonian Art of the Soviet Era (1940–1991) Permanent exhibition
Kumu Art MuseumPermanent exhibitionIlmar Malin. Fading Sun. 1968. Art Museum of Estonia Permanent exhibition -
Vanishing of a City: Hilda Kamdron’s Drawings as a Trauma Narrative 14/11/2024 – 06/04/2025
Kumu Art MuseumProject room exhibitionHilda Kamdron. Damn the War. Undated. Tartu City Museum Project room exhibition -
Landscapes of Identity: Estonian Art 1700–1945 Permanent exhibition
Kumu Art MuseumPermanent exhibition -
Unknown Artist. Birdyard. Detail. 18.–19. c. Art Museum of Estonia Permanent exhibition -
Permanent Exhibition of Kadriorg Art Museum Permanent exhibition
Kadriorg Art MuseumPermanent exhibitionAleksei Bogoljubov. Port of Tallinn. Detail. 1853. Art Museum of Estonia Permanent exhibition -
The Virgin Mary with the Christ Child. Ca 1500. Art Museum of Estonia Permanent exhibition -
Closer to the sky! Glass lift in the Niguliste tower Permanent exhibition
Niguliste MuseumPermanent exhibitionNiguliste projekti eskiis. KOKO arhitektid Permanent exhibition